Thursday, July 1, 2010

Birthday Month!

It's finally here, my birthday month. This is a BIG birthday....I'm turning 30!!!!!!!! I thought I would be "Poor me, I'm old and 30, my life is over," but I'm not! I'm excited, I'm elated, let's party. So, pretty much this entire month I'm going to blog about 30....30 everything! To begin with,
30 Things I Want for My 30th Birthday
  • bling-bling cell phone cover
  • blender:something to make smoothies
  • 1 year YMCA membership
  • flowers/plants for front porch and someone to water them
  • cupcakes from Sugar Sisters
    curtains for entire house....I HATE not having curtains
  • black photo albums from Target
  • new wardrobe to fit my new size....still a work in progress
  • iBook with Photoshop and Illustrater
  • fancy hair products
  • new fun makeup
  • yellow and gray fingernail polish
  • style and grace
  • visit from old friends
  • for my baby belly to melt away
  • actual machine or hot Italian guy to wash them by hand would work as well, Brady wouldn't mind
  • time to son is growing up too fast!
  • a romantic date night with my hubby....we don't see each other enough
  • cake decorating class
  • decorations for our house
  • slumber party with all my besties
  • a vacation to a far away place with my little family
  • blue purse
  • ruby red slippers, driving 3 hours to see my family is not much fun
  • ipod with all the "cool" songs already downloaded on it. I'm not very good with the whole music thing...
  • unlimited access to magazines of all sorts
  • relax wine
  • bacon with fresh tomatoes
  • I want my 30th year to be full of fun, creativity, patience, family, friends, grace, confidence, dreaming, lots of love and everything that is good. 30 is going to ROCK!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daddy Day

He's wrestles with you, he screams with you, he laughs with you, he shares with you, he watches Handy Manny with you, he lets you be all boy, he loves you so very much. He is a wonderful daddy and I couldn't ask for a better partner to take this ride with. We love you Daddy!
*AND....even though I know my Dad doesn't read this blog, Happy Father's Day. I LOVE YOU!!!! I hate that I couldn't call and tell you this, dang cell phones!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Little Fun

As you can tell if you visit even a little is that I changed up the blog design. I would love to customize one with some Charly Bling but for now I will go with the free and cute chicks. It fits....
I found this on a create*loves; a blog that I've been hearting for a few days....there are so many creative people out there. It is amazing! Hopefully some of it will rub off on me. I've been lazy in the creative department lately. So is life...
Anyways, 10 questions! Enjoy.

1. When do you feel happiest?
Traveling with my little family. Rather it be driving to Freddy's to buy some custard or driving to OKC to visit is always fun to be with them and enjoy each other....all together! I'm also pretty happy when I get to be me....reading, shopping at a fun boutique or painting my toenails a crazy color.

2. How do you take care of yourself?
Read the last sentence in #1. Brady is pretty good about giving me "ME" time, so I jump at those opportunities.

3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
Both. I can pump myself up to do something but I also love to be inspired by others. Blogs, movies, friends, magazines, etc.

4. What do you do for fun?
*Paint my nails
*Walk around Target!
*Look at crazy creative blogs by women that just amaze me!
*When I have time I love to craft....I need to start doing that again.

5. What intimidates you?
Driving when someone I know is following me. Exercising in front of people. Sticking with WW. Motherhood when I am dead tired.

6. What is something you're proud of?
My little family and all that we are. I love US so much. We have our issues, but we have gone through a lot and are still together!

7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.
have stuck with WW this long....I really don't want to give up now!
8. Favorite vacation spot.
Still to this day, I loved my trip with my grandparents and cousin to Colorado my senior year. I know that my little family will travel much more in our future, so ask that question in a few years.

9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).
8. Nothing bad, some good. I am healthy, my family is healthy, life is good.

10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know_____________.
...that I LOVE ice, that I move my toes when I'm watching TV, that I love to makes lists, that I could watch Sex in the City a million times, that I call my hubby-honey a lot, I want to be a children's photographer, I need curtains for my house, I knew I was having a little boy before we found out, I'm a pen snob AND I love doing crap like this!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life of a Momma

It's been a crazy month on the momma front. We took Case off the bottle AND we are putting him to his own bed. We have had some crying, but so far so good. As I'm typing this the crying is coming to a halt and he will soon be in dreamland. We are also exploring the wonderful world of non-baby food. I love that he can now eat what we eat but it helps if he would actually eat it! I pray that him being picky does not last long. He is also exploring, testing and becoming more and more independent. Within two days we had a busted lip, goose egg on the head and smashed hand from the car door. God help me....

I know people told me motherhood....parenthood was going to be hard, but oh my. It is a job. A job that I LOVE but it is tough sometimes. The other night Case dropped a sippy cup on my little toe and it hurt like hell. For some reason I just started crying and it took awhile to stop. He sat there and laughed at me like I was being funny and not like I was really a mommy losing her marbles. It was just one of those nights when all I could do was cry. I called over a friend and she helped out for a bit....thank you by the way a million times over.

So yeah, it's hard, but worth every minute. Like tonight when we watched Glee and danced to the songs. He loves music. Or when we went out and I pushed him in his swing. His smile and laugh being contagious. He is a wonderful, awesome little boy. It's just that every once in a while mommy needs to lose her marbles....she always picks them up though.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Catching up...

Ok, so I don't think I'll be a failure if I don't post my food for EVERY DAY! I write it down in my tracker, but I think I'll cut myself some slack in the "must post every day" area.
I'm skipping Monday. Here is a glimpse of what it involved....

*cream cheese
*McDonald's and I didn't eat salad!

Here is today...

oatmeal: 2pts
canned, unsweetened peaches: 1 pt
brown sugar splenda: 1pt
diet cranberry juice: 0pt

small apple: 1pt
WW string cheese: 1pt

Subway:ham/turkey on wheat with cheese and lots of veggies, sweet onion dressing: 7pts
*I didn't get the meal deal with chips, that has never happened before.


square of chocolate cake: 3pts

baked cheetos: 3pts

egg white substitute: 1pt
2pc Canadian bacon: 1pt
1/2 a pack of WW shredded cheese: 1pt
2pc of 45 cal. bread: 1pt
salsa: 0pt

Dessert: Tasted like chocolate covered strawberries...yum!
strawberries: 1pt
60 cal. sugar free chocolate pudding: 1pt

After Case went to bed dessert :(
Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich: 2pt

I used all 25 points and only went over 2. This would be great if I hadn't used all my extra 35 points this past weekend and then some!

Monday, May 10, 2010

I heart Kansas City Part II

Take me to your food!
Now let's talk about how I did on the WW front....let's just say what happens on vacation (even though it was just the weekend) should stay on vacation. I only wish! The calories you eat rather it be in Vegas or Mexico come back with you and it can get pretty ugly. What I'm trying to get to here is that I went WAY OVER my points and then some.
I only had one....oh yeah, add a few points to the list, I forgot to count it!

Here is the truth of the matter....

2 pc. 45 cal bread: 1pt
1 TB pb: 3 pt
banana: 2 pt
bites of Brady's Breakfast: 4 pts
nuts & dried fruit mix: 3 pts

Lunch: California Pizza Kitchen
4 pcs of mushroom THIN crust: 7 pts

I love pizza

3 pc. of chocolate bar: 4pts

Dinner: Some burger joint in Crown Plaza
Cheeseburger: 8pts
Fries: 6 pts

Dessert: Sheridans Custard
Mint Chocolate Shake: 18pts
*Add all of that up and you get a whopping -31 points! Folks, I only get 25 points a day and 35 points extra for the week. You do the math!

Leftover pc. of mushroom pizza: 3 pts

Lunch: Winslow's BBQ
French Fries (they were soooo good!): 10pts
BBQ Beef Sandwich: 11pts
I think I committed a BBQ no-no...I dipped my food in ketchup!
*Ok, I was not a fan of the BBQ. They used a dry rub and I don't know if that is how all KC BBQ is, but I wasn't impressed. I like juicy, smothered in juices and sauce brisket. But did I mention the fries were YUMMY!
Snack: Like I needed one!
WW cookie: 1 pt
Dinner: Back in Wichita and wanted Taco Pronto
2 tacos: 6pts
1 tostado: 5pts
tortilla chips: 3 pts
guacamole (I made it): 4 pts

Again.....add them up and you get -18 points! I thought I did ok the first day other then the cheeseburger/fries and ice cream, but did I really need Taco Pronto Sunday night. I try to rationalize my eating and it's just not working for me. I need to realize that just one taco ends up being 2 tacos and a tostada. Having a bad day (Monday) and eating crap for dinner is not an excuse. Bad habits for me create bad habits for Case.
Case likes french fries a little too much.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed being in KC very much. I even scouted out other restaurants I want to try next time, but I also know next time I will plan a little better for the grub. Next time.....

I heart Kansas City Part I

Brady said I looked like a little girl in a candy store. This was his response to my face when I stepped foot onto the Plaza in KC. I don't "look" like I belong on the Plaza, I don't have the "money" to belong on the plaza, but oh, how I love the Plaza and all it's spoils. The one place I begged to go was the lovely Anthropologie! If I could have a shopping spree in any store (Target doesn't count), I would spend it all in Anthro. I only spent $10 there this time but my eyes soaked up every bit of prettiness.

If only.....

We also went to Paper Source....oh my! Again, lovely. I just wanted to touch all the paper and call it my own. We went to a few other stores, but these by far topped my favorites!
They had cupcake stationary!
By the end of the day, my little trio was pooped out. We ventured into Crown Center and had dinner (which I will talk about here in a bit).
My adorable hubby!

Crown Center was nothing special, but our hotel view of KC was wonderful! Next time we go, I know we will venture out more then we did, but hopefully next time we will be more well rested.
Case loved looking out our hotel window!

Sunday brought us to the Farmer's Market. It was a chilly mid-morning, so a brisk walk through did it for me. My favorite part was the Italian deli. Oh, the meats and cheeses were calling my name. I would've taste tested all of it! We ended up eating at a little BBQ place because I was told you can't visit KC and not eat BBQ! So we did.
Would like to go back here in the summer!

I love this little guy!
It was a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. I loved spending it with my boys. Now let's talk about the food....