Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Life of a Momma

It's been a crazy month on the momma front. We took Case off the bottle AND we are putting him to bed....in his own bed. We have had some crying, but so far so good. As I'm typing this the crying is coming to a halt and he will soon be in dreamland. We are also exploring the wonderful world of non-baby food. I love that he can now eat what we eat but it helps if he would actually eat it! I pray that him being picky does not last long. He is also exploring, testing and becoming more and more independent. Within two days we had a busted lip, goose egg on the head and smashed hand from the car door. God help me....

I know people told me motherhood....parenthood was going to be hard, but oh my. It is a job. A job that I LOVE but it is tough sometimes. The other night Case dropped a sippy cup on my little toe and it hurt like hell. For some reason I just started crying and it took awhile to stop. He sat there and laughed at me like I was being funny and not like I was really a mommy losing her marbles. It was just one of those nights when all I could do was cry. I called over a friend and she helped out for a bit....thank you by the way a million times over.

So yeah, it's hard, but worth every minute. Like tonight when we watched Glee and danced to the songs. He loves music. Or when we went out and I pushed him in his swing. His smile and laugh being contagious. He is a wonderful, awesome little boy. It's just that every once in a while mommy needs to lose her marbles....she always picks them up though.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I'd just say "What's so funny? Do I laugh at you when you cry?" This is why I don't have kids ;)