Monday, May 10, 2010

I heart Kansas City Part II

Take me to your food!
Now let's talk about how I did on the WW front....let's just say what happens on vacation (even though it was just the weekend) should stay on vacation. I only wish! The calories you eat rather it be in Vegas or Mexico come back with you and it can get pretty ugly. What I'm trying to get to here is that I went WAY OVER my points and then some.
I only had one....oh yeah, add a few points to the list, I forgot to count it!

Here is the truth of the matter....

2 pc. 45 cal bread: 1pt
1 TB pb: 3 pt
banana: 2 pt
bites of Brady's Breakfast: 4 pts
nuts & dried fruit mix: 3 pts

Lunch: California Pizza Kitchen
4 pcs of mushroom THIN crust: 7 pts

I love pizza

3 pc. of chocolate bar: 4pts

Dinner: Some burger joint in Crown Plaza
Cheeseburger: 8pts
Fries: 6 pts

Dessert: Sheridans Custard
Mint Chocolate Shake: 18pts
*Add all of that up and you get a whopping -31 points! Folks, I only get 25 points a day and 35 points extra for the week. You do the math!

Leftover pc. of mushroom pizza: 3 pts

Lunch: Winslow's BBQ
French Fries (they were soooo good!): 10pts
BBQ Beef Sandwich: 11pts
I think I committed a BBQ no-no...I dipped my food in ketchup!
*Ok, I was not a fan of the BBQ. They used a dry rub and I don't know if that is how all KC BBQ is, but I wasn't impressed. I like juicy, smothered in juices and sauce brisket. But did I mention the fries were YUMMY!
Snack: Like I needed one!
WW cookie: 1 pt
Dinner: Back in Wichita and wanted Taco Pronto
2 tacos: 6pts
1 tostado: 5pts
tortilla chips: 3 pts
guacamole (I made it): 4 pts

Again.....add them up and you get -18 points! I thought I did ok the first day other then the cheeseburger/fries and ice cream, but did I really need Taco Pronto Sunday night. I try to rationalize my eating and it's just not working for me. I need to realize that just one taco ends up being 2 tacos and a tostada. Having a bad day (Monday) and eating crap for dinner is not an excuse. Bad habits for me create bad habits for Case.
Case likes french fries a little too much.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed being in KC very much. I even scouted out other restaurants I want to try next time, but I also know next time I will plan a little better for the grub. Next time.....

1 comment:

Daisy said...

I weighed in at the meeting this morning, even though I didn't want to and... I lost .6 lbs and finally hit my 10% goal! I have 13 lbs to get to the high end of my weight range, and honestly, it feels so far away. But I'll just keep going, actually tracking now, and see what happens. I'm so happy to be doing this with you!